Consultant A’s emotional tone
Consultant A maintains a consistent emotional tone throughout her responses — although it is one of anger or frustration. She notes specifically:
- A14: Well, it’s again related to some work I’m doing right now. Um... I’m learning DreamWeaver totally from scratch and... I have to write an article-length paper in addition to all this work I’m doing... and I... it’s started occurring to me over the last few days that I’ve already spent more time on this website... composing than I would for an article-length paper. I should be rewarded for this composition even though it’s not a traditional class paper. And, for once, I feel like the traditional paper I’m going to do about this is an afterthought that is tacked on. And, I actually started feeling kind of angry about it [laughs]... because, literally, some days I’m spending like, you know, six to eight hours on this thing. Moving everything else off my academic calendar... things I need to be working on to build this site and thinking, “Why the hell do I have to write a paper on this too” because I’m going to do that anyway when I write my dissertation. So, [pause] it just doesn’t seem quite fair.
- A15: [excerpt] It’s more like, um, I’ve just taken on so much learning to do this project in such a short amount of time that I feel a little bit discouraged right now. And it wasn’t necessarily that it was the professor asking me to do all this, but that I’m applying for some... uh, workshops that are tied to some grants and other institutions and I have to submit my work to get in. So, I wouldn’t say it’s the professor necessarily who just heaped all this work on me, like adding that paper. It was more like I kind of added some of this to myself by wanting to get extra training... and retroactively want to ask if I can’t do the paper but I have a feeling that’s not going to fly. [laughs]
- A37: Knowing what I want to do very clearly and not being able to because I have no idea where to even begin with the interface or with the code. And yet, I know exactly what I want. Very clear vision on everything I want to do. No frigging clue, sometimes, how to do it. [laughs]