Courses offering new media options
Of the 12 unduplicated courses offering new media composition options, five were 500-level courses, two were 600-level courses, two were 700-level courses, and three were 800-level courses:
- ENGL 535: Management Writing (Spring 2007, Spring 2008)
- ENGL 539: Writing in Electronic Environments (Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008)
- ENGL 563: Women Writers (Fall 2006)
- ENGL 586: Media Law and Ethics (Spring 2008)
- ENGL 595: Visual Literacy (Fall 2007)
- ENGL 664: Teaching College Composition (Fall 2007)
- ENGL 670: Methods and Materials in TESOL (Spring 2007, Fall 2007)
- ENGL 706: Visual Rhetoric (Summer 2007)
- ENGL 766: Rhetoric in Cyberspace (Fall 2007)
- ENGL 801: Text and Technologies (Fall 2007)
- ENGL 806: Visual Rhetoric (Summer 2007)
- ENGL 866: Rhetoric in Cyberspace (Spring 2008)