Coding course syllabi
In coding, I read each of the 166 syllabi collected and labeled the document with a “Y”, “N”, “U” or “*”:
- Y = YES; the document included a new media assignment
- N = NO; the document did not include a new media assignment
- U = UNCLEAR; the assignment specified a project or composition but did not clearly delineate whether it could or should be new media
- * = UNCLEAR; the document was unclear about an assignment but something within the syllabus pointed toward the possibility that new media would be acceptable. [This code does not impact this pilot study since counts for all UNCLEAR syllabi were grouped together. However, the distinction might be important as these data are reviewed further thus it seemed worthwhile to use this code now.]
Each syllabus coded with a “Y” could also feature an additional code (“R”) if the new media project was required.